Improved Sustainability Performance for Sorion

As a company committed to sustainable development and the continuous improvement of its processes and solutions, we have recently renewed our EcoVadis certification for 2024.

We are delighted to have boosted our overall score by over 10% this year, and having achieved a 20-point improvement in the area of environmental protection.

EcoVadis is a provider of universal sustainability ratings, with more than 75,000 companies from over 200 industries taking part and committing to responsible sourcing throughout the supply chain. The assessment covers a range of CSR topics, including environmental impact, labour and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

Taking part in the EcoVadis assessment not only evaluates our current performance, but it also provides us with benchmarks and detailed feedback of strengths and areas which we can build upon. This information is used within the organisation to ensure that we improve our sustainability performance throughout. 

We will continue to focus on increasing the quality of our sustainability management system and further develop Sorion as a sustainable company.